Our geoscientists and associates have all the necessary experience and technologies for any of your geologic tasks – from core descriptions to building sequence stratigraphy framework.
- Sedimentology
- Sequence stratigraphy
- Structural geology
- Static Modelling
Services Provided
- Sedimentological core description
- Ichnofabric interpretation of core data
- Interpretation of processed image log data (FMI, STAR, etc.)
- Lithological interpretation of well logs
- Well correlations
- Interpretation of the depositional environment from well data (core – log data)
- Integration of facies from the well data with seismic facies and building facies and depositional environment maps
- Creation of depositional models for static modeling
- Building sequence stratigraphic framework
- Trend and pattern analysis of reservoir properties with sequences facies and well logs data
- 3D modeling of sedimentary bodies (paleo channels, point bars, etc.) using contemporary software
- Regional basin studies
- Geologic evaluation of leads and prospects from sequence stratigraphy perspective.
- Optimization of exploration and development well locations
- Defition of geobodies with their properties prediction
Our geologists have rich experience in bringing together geological and seismic interpretations, thereby creating a better integrated interpretation. Partnership with CGG allows us to involve the world class expertise of CGG Robertson when required.