Saturation forecast using cluster facial analysis
Raised block in the south and lowered block in the north are characterized by different facies: purple and red accordingly. The difference is in a more evident seismic deflection confined to the sandstone roof (ref. to seismograms) in the first case, which indicates the decrease in impedance from sandstones at elevation. It can be associated with their HC saturation within the borders of elevation.
- 3D mapping of different geobodies (channels and point bars) and evaluation of their properties from attribute cubes
- Samples of digitization of logging data
- Evaluation of gas effect in in thin layered sandstones by ratio of impedances SIMP – AIMP
- Samples of correct reprocessing (Caspian)
- 3D Identification of geo-bodies using Halliburton GeoProbe
- Saturation forecast using cluster facial analysis
- Building a tectonic model of an object using new technologies (package GeoProbe
- Sedimentological analysis of core
- Sequence analysis (Sequence Stratigraphy)
- Function definition for oil saturation distribution